Patrick Girod – In 2001, following a Masters of Science in Banking and Finance at HEC, University of Lausanne, Patrick Girod joined Gedefi, a boutique wealth management company located in Geneva, specialising in Corporate Finance. Gedefi was also the investment manager of a small & mid cap Swiss fund called Asselsa, quoted at the time on the Swiss Stock Exchange. At the end of 2001, he joined a group of companies active in fiduciary services, legal, accounting, and funds administration.

From 2004 onwards, this same group piloted the creation of GS Banque SA (ex-Banque Benedict Hentsch & Cie SA) which the group finally merged with. Patrick officially joined the bank at its launch in November 2004 where he acted as a Portfolio and Relationship Manager, as well as a member of the Investment and Executive Committees.

In mid-2014 Patrick joined Herculis Partners, where he is currently Head of Wealth Management and in charge of the Geneva office.

Jeremy Courtial – After graduating in 2011 from Université Paris IX Dauphine (Master 104), Jeremy started his career in BNP Paribas CIB where he covered crossed-asset investment solutions for institutional and retail clients. After a solid experience in similar roles within prestigious investment banks in France and Italy, Jeremy joined in 2016 a Lugano-based Family Office where he carried out wealth management activities for wealthy clients. In 2022, he joined Herculis Partners where he is currently in charge of the Lugano’s branch development. Jeremy has passed the first two CFA levels and will seat for the level 3 in 2023.

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